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darlene13 04-14-2007 08:17 PM

spark plugs hyundai XG300
:(OK where are the things hiding.. I took the top cover off and found 3 but I have had 4 people look and read the book and there is no mention as to where the rest would be.. I admit it is a dumb question but I know no where else to turn.. One person said to take the intake manifold off but then do i need a new gasket as well???? Please help a lost person


NovaResource 04-14-2007 09:12 PM

RE: spark plugs hyundai XG300
The V6 engine is mounted sideways in a front wheel drive car. That means 3 are in the front and 3 are in the back of the engine by the firewall. Whoever told you to take the intake manifold off is correct. However, you only have to take off the upper intake manifold. That will give you access to the rear 3 plugs.

This is on a Tiburon but the procedure is the same.

This link has pictures but it does both the upper and lower intake. You only have to remove the upper intake:

Do you need a new gasket? Well, some people have reused the original because you are only sealing air (not fuel, oil or coolant) but a new one is cheap insurance.

darlene13 04-15-2007 12:06 AM

RE: spark plugs hyundai XG300
Thank you.. a guy said you could get to it by jacking the car up and going behind the motor from underneath.. is that correct???

NovaResource 04-15-2007 11:16 PM

RE: spark plugs hyundai XG300
I've never tried but I doubt it woudl be very easy that way. Removing the upper intake is the best way. That's why is costs so much to do at the dealership.

magyarbacsi 04-17-2007 07:56 PM

RE: spark plugs hyundai XG300
Going from underneath won't work. The air intake has to be removed. No way around it.

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