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BobMcLean 12-18-2005 03:19 PM

Oil Pan leaking from Corrosion
I was replacing my flexible exhaust assembly (part of the exhaust system that passes under the engine...$218 with gaskets from the dealer) when I noticed that my oil pan was corroded, and I could see that it was leaking through the metal! (BTW the exhaust part I was replacing was already once replaced by me at about 80-100K miles, and probably was not bad, but the oxygen sensor was loose and may have been the source of the growing exhaust noise).

I digress, however, back to point: My oil pan is corroded and leaking oil, which explains many things to me.
I have detected an "hot oil smell" while sitting at the traffic light near work (after 45 min highway drive) for years. The explanation: Oil gets very warm (and thin), leaks through the corrosion, and drips on the exhaust pipe which runs beneath it. When sitting at this red light, the smell evenually makes it into the cabin because it is not being carried away by the airflow created by driving. It also explains excessive oil consumption for the last 80K miles, which left no marks under the car, and didn't show as smoke in the exhaust, because the oil was being vaporized by the heat of the exhaust pipe, and was simply leaking out of the pan when it was hot and thin.

I had control arm failure recently (see recalls) due to excessive corrosion attributed by the recall to road salt contamination of the steel. Perhaps this is related. I live in Maryland, which during the winter does get some snow and has the need for salt on the roads.

The car is within a thousand miles of ticking over 200K, 140K by me since 1998. Pretty good car, All things considered, wasn't sure I'd get close to 200K.

poacher 12-18-2005 03:52 PM

RE: Oil Pan leaking from Corrosion
I didn't know about a recall, that is why I had cracked, corroded control arms. I had a universal flex pipe installed only 60$.

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